Saturday, February 14, 2015

Return to the Blogosphere


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Hello, world! I’m back! Sort of. I’m not really sure why I quit blogging for so long, other than that life is busy, and school trumps my blogging duties, unfortunately. I have not decided to officially return to blogging, but looking back at my posts made me miss it, so I might try to pop in in the future with a recipe post or something. I do have a purpose for this post, though, other than to say hello, and that is this: my Etsy shop is back in business! After my items expired with no sales, I gave it up. But I never stopped thinking about it, and I now finally have the time to run the shop. I have given it a fresh look with a new logo and banner. Unfortunately, I only have two things listed for sale, but I have a lot of other items I will be adding soon. My inventory will also expand to include necklaces and earrings! You can keep up with my updates by liking my Facebook page or following the Twitter account. Share the items you like and spread the word about my shop! I am so excited to finally get this going. Oh, and I changed the theme of my blog today! I can’t quite decide if I like it, so I might revert back to the old one.