Friday, February 13, 2015

From Your Valentine


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   Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day!
If that sentence made you cringe, then my intention by the end of this post is to change that feeling for you. Alternatively, if you feel nothing but love when you think of Valentine’s Day, I invite you to expand that awareness on an even broader spectrum!
The origin of Valentine’s Day is somewhat skewed and unclear. But the most beautiful of stories that I have come across is that of Saint Valentine, who was a Roman Priest in the 3rd century AD. This story as told on, declares that during this time, Emperor Claudius II required vast armies of men to abandon their families for long periods at a time, which meant a military of half-hearted and homesick men. In an effort to “stop love from sapping the will of his armies”, he banned any further marriages from taking place. Father Valentine thought the ruling unjust and continued to marry lovers in secret. When he was caught, he was sentenced to death. While imprisoned, young couples who he had wed would visit his cell leaving him notes and flowers as symbols of their gratitude. The story continues that Saint Valentine fell in love with the prison-keeper’s daughter, and on the day of his execution, February 14, he left a note for her, signed from your Valentine. Thus began the tradition of sending Valentine’s Day notes and cards.
As does most things when it hits our Western world, consumerism tends to take over and the true intention behind something often gets lost in the fluff. Although it is still one of the most celebrated of traditions, more and more people are beginning to see Valentine’s Day as an annoying overpriced scam, or as a day to feel bad about being single. “We don’t do Valentine’s Day.” “Valentine’s Day is nothing but a marketing scheme.” “I just drink that day.”
Each time I hear one of these declarations, I honestly feel a little disheartened. I know the truth behind what they are saying is that the marketing of flowers, chocolates, cards, jewelry, and fine dining is hyped up and overpriced. But we still have a choice here.
What Valentine’s Day is not: a day to think or feel sorry about the love you don’t feel you have, and certainly not to boast about how many gifts you received or become sarcastic about what you didn’t receive.
What Valentine’s Day is: a day to celebrate the true essence of who we all are (see related post Only Love is Real). We don’t have to look far to find something or someone we love, and despite our past circumstances or our present situation, when you think about it, Valentine’s is a pretty incredible day. Of all the holidays throughout the world, this is one that we can all relate to across the globe. A day to bring love to the forefront of our minds as one united nation of beings on this earth – that kind of unity can change the world!
Join in the universal sharing of love by commenting below on how you will add a dash of love to the world tomorrow!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Much love, xo
“She believes in love and romance. She believes her life is going to be transformed into something wonderful and exciting. She has hopes and fears, just like anyone. Sometimes she feels frightened. Sometimes she feels unloved. Sometimes she feels she will never gain approval from those people who are most important to her. But she’s brave, and goodhearted and faces her life head on.” ~Sophie Kinsella