Friday, February 13, 2015


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    Valentine’s Day, the most loved and hated day of the year. Many of you, like me in the past, dread this day, the day where all your friends go out on romantic dates and get chocolates, beautiful flowers, and jewelry while you are at home sitting on the couch watching Netflix with a bottle of wine and some ice cream (we’ve all done it so don’t be ashamed). I’ve spent my fair share of Valentine’s Days like that, and it was far more depressing when Netflix hadn’t even been invented yet so I would be stuck watching some awful Lifetime movie on tv with my parent, but this year I’m breaking, what has become, the tradition and I encourage all of you to follow suit. This year instead of moping around and feeling bad for myself while judging other people’s relationships on Instagram I plan to do what makes me happy. I’ve come to realize that no one can make you happy besides yourself because in the end it is you who chooses to be happy, no amount of money, jewelry, or candy can change that. If you are like me and plan on being married one day with kids just remember that you have the whole rest of your life to be surrounded by people who love you and who love you back so take today to just be happy for yourself and love yourself because if you don’t love yourself you can never truly love anyone else. It has taken me a long time to realize that but now that I am happy with being who I am, life seems to have opened up a door for me and has allowed me to see someone who cares for me as I care for myself. So to anyone reading this I want you to forgive yourself for anything you blame yourself for, never let the feeling of blame come back, love yourself again, and you will find happiness, I promise.