Thursday, January 29, 2015

REVIEW: The Hobbit – The Battle of Five Armies in Five Words.

1. Epic
As avid fans of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films, my family and I went to see the third instalment of The Hobbit a few weeks ago and…
Literally, so so good!
Personally, I judge how much I like a film by the extent to which it is still on my mind after I watch it – it’s days later and it’s still on my mind so I’d highly recommend it.

2. Favourite
To put it simply: out of the three films, this one is – by far – my favourite.
I guess that’s all I can say for that one!

3. Action-packed
The Battle of Five Armies is pretty much a MASSIVE battle from start to finish. It’s exhilarating, exciting and super tense. They also throw in some of Legolas’ renowned, sophisticated and seemingly effortless fighting skills that are seen in The Lord of the Rings so it’s well worth a watch!

4. Prequel
Obviously, The Hobbit is a prequel to The Lord of the Rings and in this film they add in I guess what you could call “easter eggs” (I don’t know if that’s actually what you call them but we’ll call them that for ease)

Basically, they add in little bits that link to The Lord of the Rings which just make me feel damn happy inside!
I guess it’s like fangirling but for… a movie? Who knows!
- I’m not one for spoilers so I won’t say too much but Aragorn gets an indirect mention ;D -
I’ve heard mixed reviews about these “easter eggs” though; some people have told me that they thought they tried too hard in using these to link the two movie trilogies – let me know what you thought in the comments!

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