Friday, January 9, 2015

I have always loved piercings, body mods and stretch. I have had a small 16 guage (1.2 mm) stretch, but I pulled it out and now it healed. I am thinking about start stretching again :)
The sizes of tapers are called guage. 22 guage is the smallest I know, that is about 0.5 mm. The higher number of guage the thinner is the taper, the lower number of guage the thicker is the taper.
On the picture above you might see some long tools with spiral paint in purple, green and blue, those tools are called tapers, which is the stretching tools. The black tool (jewelry) is called a tunnel, those are for the lower guage (the thicker tapers). The white tools in the back is called plugs, those are for ANY tapers, they don’t have the hole in the middle like to tunnels.
I am NOT a professional, so if my tips about my own stretch messes up your ears or whereever you stretch, it isn’t my fault. You have been warned!
So I recommmend you choosing the smallest taper you can get near of (22 guage) and start out with that. Now you need loop (some kind of balm to put on the tapers), put it on your taper and massage your earlope. I recommend you doing this after a hot shower.
Step by step:

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