    VLUU L210  / Samsung L210For Valentine’s Day, I presented myself with a “You are one rockin’ bird” gift. Along with wire wrapped gems, hippie chic is my favorite style of jewelry. Hippie chic can be as expensive as the stuff you intend to throw in the recycling bin but have been too lazy to do so.
To make a baby like this, rummage through ye olde jewelry box (also known as the cardboard box you spray painted and decked out with images of winged children wearing crowns or the like) for earring pieces and beads. Wire loop the earring pieces to one end of the wire. Place your selected beads along the wire. Finish the wire with a loop for your jump ring. Because this is a pretty quick project, I would suggest making two — one for you and one for the witch in your life.  If you know your witch’s favorite animal (i.e. elephant, owl) I would look for a charm depicting that animal for an end piece and your bud’s favorite gem bead.  It may  be a little late for valentine’s day, but she may enjoy wearing it for May Day festivities!