Friday, February 27, 2015

Earrings Everyday Challenge February:: DIY Drop Earrings

I am thrilled to participate in this month’s Earrings Everyday Challenge which feature Love, Limzy. Lim Zhi Wei is a Malaysian artist and photographer. The paintings/pictures of these flower girls are truly magnificent! I adore floral, and the way that she incorporated the beauty of floral into an elegant ball gown astounds me!
I wanted to feature some of the new Bead Gallery® beads that are available at Michaels. They just completed their refresh last week and have a wonderful assortment to choose from!
The array of sea colors in the chandelier drop form are a wonderful focal to these earrings. But my favorite element of this project are the turquoise composite flowers. I adore floral anything, even flower clips in my hair! HA, great picture of a 30+ woman wearing a flower in her hair. That laugh was just for you, as I also laughed out loud! And how rad is it that there are only two bead items that you need to make these? The 6mm glass aqua mix is all one strand.
Here are the exact two Bead Gallery® items to purchase from Michaels:
320721 – turquoise composite flower
367572 – 6mm aqua mix glass round
Now, are you ready for the step-by-step tutorial to make these beauties for yourself? I hope so!
Want to participate in the March Earrings Everyday Challenge? Visit the Earrings Everyday blog for details.