Monday, February 16, 2015

Cupcake Lovin…


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   Now, I told you guys I wanted to keep things real here.
So, let’s get real.
What about?
The wonderful feeling (not) of feeling insecure and wanting to pick ourselves apart.
It’s so easy to get caught up in, right? I mean, one scroll through instagram and you’re immediately wanting to change things about yourself. For instance, I was scrolling through some pictures of a classmate of mine yesterday. She’s simply stunning, but something I noticed about her was how thin she was. She was wearing bikini’s and crop tops and all I could notice was how thin her stomach was! Now, I’m no oompah-loompa here but I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing those things myself because I simply hate how my stomach looks. I immediately began thinking about steps I could take personally to achieve the toned midsection she has.
It’s stupid, right? The way we compare ourselves? It’s simply ridiculous! I mean, we are who we are. Not a pound lighter or an inch shorter, than who we are. Every single human being walking this Earth dislikes something about themselves.
Why, why, why? What does it matter? What it is really worth? And more directly, what does it mean to your worth?
My mother is always telling me, “Your worth does not come in the appearance of your body or how smart you are. It comes because you have infinite value in Jesus Christ. The fact that you are His child immediately means that you have more worth than you can even comprehend.”
So, to anyone reading this who struggles with feeling self worth let me tell you something: your height, your weight, your IQ, your GPA, your boyfriend/girlfriend, what your parents think about you, or even what you’ve been told to think about yourself, none of that matters.
Jesus doesn’t care if you’re fat, if you’re skinny, if you’re tall, if you’re short. He doesn’t care if you’re passing school, if you’re failing miserably, or somewhere in-between. He loves you for you.
And if the guy who made this big amazing Earth, and each one of us thinks that we’re pretty amazing just the way we are, then who are we to argue?
In His love,
1 Peter 3:3-4
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfailing beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is a great worth in God’s sight.