Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My favorite way to start the new year

This time of year, after Christmas but before New Year’s, is my favorite.  I feel a sense of calm since the stress of the holidays (not TOO stressful, mostly running around so we can visit as many friends/family while they’re in town) is over but I also feel excited for the beginning of a new year.  This year I will make the same resolutions as I have in the past, with one new one:  In the past, I have wanted to wake up earlier in the morning, go to more new places, and workout regularly.  In addition, this year I want to say “Yes” to more things.  I want “Yes” to be my motto for 2015 and see how many new people I can meet, experiences I can have and memories it allows me to make.
In addition to the sense of new beginning and rejuvenation, the beginning of the year brings with it one of my FAVORITE television shows, Downton Abbey.  I love television shows (and books!) that provide a world for me to get lost in…..One where I can happily daydream and imagine what it would be like to live in that era and what everyday life in that time would entail.  The boring every day details are my favorite because they give a sense of realism to the show; no one is having adventures every second of every day!  They need to eat and sleep sometime!   The overall setting and writing in the show is beautiful, but I especially love the fashion.  I love details and the costume designers for Downton Abbey do too!  Below are some of my favorite details throughout the 4 seasons and I look forward to seeing what season 5 has in store (I heard it’s phenomenal!)


The dresses for the series are gorgeous!  Although the time period is early 1900’s, these are dresses that are stylish even by today’s standards, because they are classic.  On the right is an example of a more ornate dress that would have been popular coming into the 1920’s (the Jazz era!).  In the center are three of the leading ladies (Mary, Rose and Edith…poor Edith) wearing dresses to attend a less-formal lunch or dinner.  The dropped waist on the gowns is very flattering and the stitching detail in Rose and Edith’s dress is breathtaking.  Lastly, on the left is a dress I can imagine Lady Grantham (Cora) wearing.  As the Countess of Grantham she is always dressed impeccably and (besides being one of my favorite characters) never lets the dress wear her.
More.. https://ardorapriori.wordpress.com/2014/12/29/my-favorite-way-to-start-the-new-year/

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