I had plans for today.
January first, a holiday Thursday, the clinic is closed and I’m not on call. It’s the first day of the new year, time to eat healthy and work out. I had a shopping list (hey, stores are open today!) and a running route. I had assumed Hubby would watch the kids for a few hours.
Sports broadcasters don’t really get holidays, and Hubby had to spend the day at work. After my early morning shift at the animal shelter (I didn’t forget this week!) the rest of my protected time disappeared.
I found myself alone with the kids, with the whole day looming ahead of us. I tried to rally them for an expedition to the grocery, but, they weren’t too excited about that. There’s Christmas gifts to play with. And it’s freezing out. Even the cats won’t budge from their respective spots on the heater.
So, I’ve tried to be productive. It’s just my nature – I find it really hard to sit and do nothing. Or to sit and do just one thing. When not helping Babyboy with his tiny complicated Legos or new electric train set, or Babygirl with her Frozen jewelry and princess castle, I’ve done a bunch of laundry, dishes, pantry rearrangement, online bill pay, texted some thank-yous, and tried to reach a few old friends on the phone.
More.. http://generallymedicine.com/2015/01/01/happy-new-year-its-all-going-to-be-okay/
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