Saturday, January 3, 2015

You know you’re totally supported when….

The Universe gives you a nudge when there’s a deal on! Yeah!
I’m like Papa from the movie 100 foot journey “Just because I ask for a discount doesn’t mean I’m poor. It means I’m thrifty.”
I seriously love that quote. Not that I ask for discounts, I just want to spend my money wisely.
I’ve spent the last couple of days going through my supply purchases and itemising everything and calculating how much per bead, per gram, per everything on everything. Seriously taking efficiency to the next level ;)
I’ve also been comparing my invoices to my suppliers current prices and some of them have gone wayy up. Something that was previously $6 per strand is now $11, a lot have doubled, some tripled.
Turquoise chips are now $11 for a 50g bag. O.o Guess who’s looking for a new turquoise supplier?!

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