Thursday, January 1, 2015

This is the hundredth article I have read like this. It is amazing how much advice and similarities you can find from successful people like billionaires if you do the digging to find it. Another one I greatly recommend is Li Ka Shing’s article on how to create massive wealth and success. Take heed his article, which can be easily found if you google, is a long term plan that can take years. Below is a great first half of an article about similar habits from an apprentice of many years who observed these traits.
The source of this article is:

I have spent decades “being educated” — in college, graduate school, numerous professional certifications, and now a Ph.D. program. All of that schooling and training helped shape the person I am today, but at no point in my life has there been a more profound education than my time working for Enver Yucel and Oprah Winfrey.
Enver and Oprah are two extraordinary people. And on top of that, they’re both billionaires. On the surface, they appear to be totally different people. They are in different industries, have different family structures, practice different religions, and speak different languages. However, once you get past their written biographies and dig deeper, you will notice they possess many of the same successful habits.

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