I often find myself dwelling on the luxuries of the world — silk dresses, hand stitched blouses, wool sweaters, soft leather, fine gems and true gold. But our culture confuses luxury with brand names; beauty has been capitalized to the point where fine things are authorized by brand name, not quality. I would think trade-makers hold great pride in the beautiful they create, but perhaps creation and beauty have fallen to consumerism. I long for the beautiful things of this world –I envy, and lust, and covet luxuries that money can offer. I feel great tension, though, between luxury and a simple life: am I not called to be meek, to and humble, to not adorn myself with jewelry and fine clothing? I cannot help but accept that we each have a true and righteous desire for beautiful and lovely things, but must I first learn to not indulge?
First ImpressionsWith 1 comment
discourseIn "Organic Chemistry"
GlasgowWith 1 comment
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