Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Taking An Inventory of Your Belongings: An Important Task

by Count On Me 4 All
Clipboard with Inventory message and checkboxesLast week I was helping a couple create an inventory of their belongings in preparation for their move to Florida. They needed a precise inventory of what would be loaded on to the moving van for insurance purposes. I made an Excel sheet and recorded each item, when it was bought, and how much it cost. Taking an inventory of our belongings is an important task for all of us to complete, whether we are moving or not.
The sky grew with a yellow hue. James heard a noise similar to a train. He ran to the basement and ducked under the workbench. When all was quiet he came back upstairs and his house was gone. The tornado had picked up his home and all of his belongings and spread it all across the county. When the insurance agent arrived to estimate the damages, he asked James for a list of all that he had lost. Trying to list all he had lost, especially when in shock from all that had happened, became a daunting task.
Suzy Strutner wrote an article for the Huffington Post which explains why inventories are important and how to complete an inventory of your home

Making A Home Inventory Could Be The Best Thing You’ll Ever Do For Your House
by Suzy Struner