I’ll be reviewing many different reward sites on this blog, but I have to start out with gifthulk. This site is my personal favorite. I would go so far as to call it a bit of an addiction. I go to gifthulk.com every single day, and it definitely been paying off. Earning points is incredibly easy. Just sign up with your email account, and you’re on your way to earning rewards such as
How it works
Once you sign up, there’s a huge variety of ways to earn points. You can take surveys ranging from five minutes to forty-five minutes for a larger sum of points, or you can earn your points by downloading apps, playing Guess the Card, and even shopping. If you’re one of those people who are less than eager to join a reward site because you’re sick of taking surveys that disqualify you after you took your time answering the questions, don’t worry. Gifthulk has your back. You earn points just for attempting to complete surveys. You get 20 points each for three surveys you didn’t qualify for. Additionally, you can answer questions that will cause gifthulk to show you surveys that are more relevant to you, therefore less likely to disqualify you. Once you earn those points, you can spend them on paypal cash, jewelry and toys in the store section, and a very wide selection of giftcards such as:
- Amazon.com
- Walmart
- Target
- 1-800 Flowers
- Toys R Us
- Sephore
- Spa Finder
- Belk
- Best Buy
- Home Depot
- Kohl’s
- Lowe’s
- American Eagle Outfitters
- Footlocker
- Gap
- Guess
- Nike
- Rei
- Sport Authority
- T.J. Maxx
- Zappos
- Gamestop
- Facebook Credits
- League of Legends
- Karma Coins
- Minecraft
- Nitendo 3DS
- Nitendo Wii
- Playstation Network
- Rixty
- Steam
- And many more!
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a little bit addicted to this site. I can’t help it. It really is the easiest site I’ve used to earn giftcards. Last week, I spent quite a few hours on this site, amassing around 5,000 HC (hulk points) in just one day. That’s the equivalent of a $5 gift card! And I only took maybe two surveys. The rest of the points were just from watching videos!
The support team is awesome too. All you have to do is file a ticket if you run into a problem, and one of the members is sure to get back to you quickly. I had an issue where I was having trouble verifying an order, so I filed a ticket. Sure enough, they got back to me within an hour and helped me by manually verifying the order for me.
Summing it up: Reasons to join GiftHulk.com
- easy to earn rewards
- multiple ways to earn
- fun atmosphere
- no cap on how many points you can earn in a day
- diverse reward selection
- great support team
- easy-to-use site
And if you’re joining the site anyway, why not use my referral code? ;)
Username: Samantha3
My invite code: SE848696