Happy New Year!
I hope your year is starting off better than mine. I’ve been sick for a few days now so I’ve been laid up in bed. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to get in shape, and since I hate going to the gym I think my body subconsciously made me sick so I wouldn’t have to go.
Anyway… Now that January is here, it’s time for my December favorites. This month I thought I’d show you some of the things I got for Christmas. I got very lucky and I’m in love with everything and every person who gave them to me.
First, Jeff got me this beautiful camera from Olympus- the Tough TG-3. I had mentioned to him months ago that I wanted a real camera (in comparison to my camera phone) and he remembered. It’s perfect for vacations because you can take pictures underwater, which is why he bought it for me. I used it to take most of the pictures in this post.
More.. http://kelseyathome.wordpress.com/2015/01/05/december-favorites-what-i-got-for-christmas/
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