Well, it’s been a business week of blogging. I don’t know that I will always update Monday through Friday, but I wanted to see if I could do it. And it was fun! I’d like to end the week with some brief thoughts and fun links. Because Fridays are fun! Blogging is fun! Okay, too many funs…
First, some thoughts on the verse of the week, Acts 17:24-25. I’ve really enjoyed memorizing and meditating on these words. First of all, it’s been a daily reminder that I have a creator who is powerful and sovereign. Also, in my Bible study we are looking at the life of Moses, and just finished reading about the building of the tabernacle. This was where God literally dwelt in the midst of his people in the time of Exodus, but the Acts verse (“he does not live in temples built by hands”) reminds me that now God’s Spirit lives in the hearts of his people because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It’s because of God’s love and grace that I can experience his presence! And when I read “he is not served by human hands as if he needed anything” I am taken back to the idea of humility. I don’t bring anything to the table for God. He doesn’t need me, but he loves me and allows me to participate in his work. Like a mother with her child in the kitchen, he lets me “help,” even when all I do sometimes is lick the spoon.
Now for the fun-fun:
A nail polish tutorial. I thought I would share this, because every time I go to Pinterest I get a notification that someone else has repinned it. And it is pretty good! I would agree with Karen that the key to a perfect home manicure is practice. I have some other nail tips on my beauty board.
Statement jewelry. I bought this fun ring with my Christmas money, and am looking for an occasion to wear it. It looks so cool and funky, but it is seriously giant, although in the best way. Shipping was fast. I recommend.
That’s all I’ve got for this Friday. If you’ve been reading along this week, please leave a comment. I would love to hear from you!
More.. http://deepdelightfullife.com/2015/01/09/friday-fun/
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