With my first ever blog being posted over a year ago, stating what most my blogs would entail.. “Thinking, liking, loving, and obsessing over”.
I’ve sort of neglected the “Liking, loving, and obsessing” part.
So today’s “loving” blog is about…
*drum roll*
My new deer head!
I could not contain my excitement when I was browsing through one of my favorite storesBealls. And saw this magical creation right in front of me.
I had been searching for over six months, possibly even longer.
My criteria for when I would purchase:
1. Gold
2. Not flat looking(texture wise)
3. Enough antlers(hooks) to hang my necklaces on.
4. Not above $30
It’s the perfect gold color. Maybe even some gold glitter splashed on it, with gold foil in variant spots.
It’s a 9 pointer! Just enough to hang my everyday necklaces up. And the price.. OH JUST WAIT FOR IT.
My day was absolutely made! I even called my mom so someone could bask in the excitement with me.
Are you ready to meet ‘Dubai, the Deer’??!