Monday, February 23, 2015

“Watching the Oscars” A vicarious experience.

   “Last night watching the acceptance speeches, just like every year since I was a kid, I was moved to once again witness artists, actually kindred spirits, expressing their profound joy and gratitude for a dream come true. And you know how undyingly hard they worked through a crazy business of hurtful bites and promises that never materialized and countless disappointments and rejections. But they kept at it, because of the relentless love and passion for what they do. And I choke up sometimes, watching them up there, just imagining how they must feel. Because the honesty for all of them is that even with all their tireless work and talent, they stand up there indescribably “lucky”, to use Eddie Redmayne’s word as he accepted his Best Actor Oscar. So many stars of destiny have to allign just right, so many things have to fit into place to bring them there on a night in February to that moment. That for me is the stuff of inspiration. because truth be told they are at the complete other side of the Universe in that moment from the slaughtered mothers and fathers and sons and daughters of wars around the world, the ongoing genocide that went on as they spoke. The other side of the Universe with their exquisite gowns and jewelry and immaculate tuxedos to the charred and bloody naked bodies and stench of death around the same simultaneous world. And so as we watch vicariously their illuminated achievement, it helps us keep our sanity and focus of direction and hope, that if we are “lucky” enough to have a gift, a talent, and we have been blessed with the freedom and circumstance to use it where bombs are not dropping and there is food enough to eat, then through hard work and passion, do not fail your heart, do not squander such a blessing. Do what you were meant to do, do what you love.”