Monday, February 23, 2015

Diamond Wedding Rings and Initial Wedding Planning

         There comes a time in just about every single person’s life when they will meet someone, fall in love and want to get married. They will exchange diamond wedding rings on their wedding day surrounded by their closest friends and family members and it will be a day of celebration for all. When you get married, you are not just marrying the person, you are also marrying into their family. This means you will be included in all of their family festivities and celebrations. For some, this can be a very gratifying experience, but for others, this can be a deal breaker. At the end of the day, you will hopefully know the decision you have made is the right one and you will stand behind it forever. Then begins the wedding planning…
When you are planning a party for all of your friends and family (and let’s face it, that’s what a wedding is), you will need to remain very organized and focused throughout the entire process. Most women take about a year to throw a wedding to their liking and taste. The first thing you want to do after you become engaged is to start a wedding binder or folder on your computer or notebook where you can keep track of everything you will eventually have to do. There are many templates online that tell you what you should be doing at various stages leading up to the day where you exchange diamond wedding rings. After you have created your wedding portfolio, sit down and really think about your budget. You need to know exactly what it is and what you are going to spend this money buying. If your parents are helping you out, then great, but if they are not, then that is fine, too. You can still have a gorgeous wedding on a budget!
Eventually you will get to the time in your wedding planning where you will need to buy the diamond wedding rings. This will be a fun shopping experience and will take your mind off of the other stress associated with wedding planning. Soon you will be walking down the aisle to exchange wedding bands with the man you love and everything will be okay. Not everything in a wedding goes as planned, so make sure you are prepared to deal with some last minute things going wrong. It will not matter in the long run so remain calm!
Diamond Wedding Rings and Wedding Day Emergency Kits
Of course, the day of your wedding is going to be hectic. There is no way around it. Everyone tells you to relax and enjoy the day, but it typically ends up with the bride running around like a chicken with its head cut off! In order to try and minimize the stress and hectic nature of this very special day (the day you exchange diamond wedding rings with the love of your life), you must be prepared. This means thinking ahead and predicting what you will need for the event.
You will certainly not forget your wedding dress, but what about your shoes, hose or jewelry? These are just some examples of things you could forget. This does not include when slightly inebriated Uncle Tom goes to hug you and dumps red wine all over your dress! Worry not, because every bride should pack an emergency kit. This can include stain removal items, positive affirmations, your diamond wedding rings and even some breath mints (because chewing gum is tacky).
Some other items you will need to pack in your emergency kit are going to be: A nail file in case you snag a nail, a sewing kit in case something needs a quick fix, blister treatment or even band-aids in case your shoes begin to chew on your feet, sunscreen because no one wants a bright red face, a stain removal pen for spills, tampons, wet ones, Q-tips and of course, powder for your face.
By trying to think of crazy things that could potentially happen on the day you are supposed to exchange wedding rings, you are planning to be prepared to fix any problem that may arise. A prepared bride is certainly a happy bride!
Keep in mind that there are going to be some things that go wrong that you are not going to be able to fix. This is okay! It will not ruin your wedding day and certainly will not be remembered in a negative manner. Simply roll with the punches and remember the reason for this day: you are going to exchange diamond wedding rings with your fiance and become married! Anything else that goes off without a hitch will just be icing on the cake! So have fun, dance all night and enjoy the day because it will never happen ever again! Also, thank everyone for their contributions and for attending.