Tuesday, January 6, 2015

This report is published every weekday, except county holidays. The information in each report covers significant criminal incidents generally from the day before; reports published on Monday cover the preceding Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Some incidents may appear a day or two after the occurrence.
The report contains selected crimes, including animal-related incidents and property crimes. The information is organized by police district station. Addresses shown indicate blocks and not specific locations. This report is not a comprehensive list of every police event in Fairfax County in the stated time frame.
Note: Information contained in the Daily Blotter is generally based on initial reports made to the police department. Follow-up investigations may reveal different or additional information.

DIRECTED PATROL, 01/01/14. Officers from the Traffic Division patrolled the county for drunk drivers. Twenty-three summonses were issued.
More.. https://fcpdnews.wordpress.com/2015/01/05/the-daily-police-blotter-for-january-5-2015/

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