Monday, January 5, 2015

Judaism vs Tàlmut

Christians, particularly, are designated as “idolaters” with Yahushua/Jesus as the “idol.  By Willie Martin
Judaism vs Tàlmut

 Two qualities dominate the theoretical Cabala. Every attribute of Intelligence, of Knowing, Loving or Ruling is stripped from the God of the Bible and handed over to pagan spirits, who are invoked as in ancient paganism as the “other gods” denounced by the Prophets. This act of stripping God of Intelligence and reducing Him to a mass of self-perking essence, the En Sof, is, admittedly, pantheism (the sum of nature being God, without any Chief engineer) And, whether called “emanation” by the Cabala, “immanence” by Talmudic Spinoza, or renamed by Hegel; for “the real and ideal is taught in the same way in the Cabala as in Hegel. (Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 474), or “dialectical materialism” by Karl Marx, it is the same old atheistic concept of nature just waiting for MAN to run it and push it around. The Luciferin god is always MAN.
 The great heresy of Gnosticism, which nearly swept Christianity from the earth in the early centuries, is admittedly Cabalistic. And the Gnostic and Cabalistic idea that evil is non-existent is currently revived in Christian Science,” which is neither Christian nor scientific, and is a magnet for hundreds of thousands of Jews who claim, as the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states, that they can be Christian Scientists without deserting their Talmudism (“Christian Science”). The Jewish Encyclopedia quoted above states: “As the divine has true being, evil is that which has no being, the unreal or seeming thing as it appears.” (Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 477) The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia says: “Evil, according to the Cabalistic philosophy, is nonexistent, anticipating Christian Science…” (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 620)
 Practical Cabala
 Every pagan trick of dethroning God and enthroning individual spirits is employed by the Cabalists. “Casting of Lots, Necromancy, Exorcism…Bibliomancy, and the mysticism of numbers and letters were developed into complete systems. Hence the cabalistic doctrine of the heavenly alphabet, whose signs are the constellations and the stars. Thus Astrology was legitimized, and Bibliomancy found its justification in the assumption that the sacred Hebrew letters are not merely signs for things, but implements of divine powers by means of which nature may be subjugated” (by man)), says the Jewish Encyclopedia, under “Cabala,” p. 479)
 But he bloody business of making circles to circumscribe the spirits of gouging out cocks’ eyes, skinning lambs and throwing the blood around to weird incantations to bring up the specters of the departed, as forbidden by Scripture, is hidden as an “esoteric” or secret lore entrusted to the Baal Shems, etc.
 Hassidism (also spelled Chassidism) specializes on Cabala. About half of all Jews were Cabalists at the end of the 19th century, we are told. Copied from hand to hand, cabalistic manuscripts, nevertheless, reach museums. One enlightening book on these is by a Cambridge professor, E.M. Butler, “Ritual Magic.” (Cambridge University Press, 1949)
 The vast scholarship, the documentation on the subject, are presented in a light hearted style not unmixed with awareness of the perils, the ghastly viciousness of the occult “arts” which translations of the museum manuscripts must convey to any sane reader. Christ refers to the world red power rising over the seventh and last world government as “Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.” (Revelation 17)
 So reference is made to a branch of this demon magic in the Butler book as belonging to a much earlier age: to the world of the Akkadian-Chaldean “(Babylonian)” inscriptions and of the Graeco-Egyptian papyri animated by the belief that the gods could and would support the magician in his dealings with the demons if properly invoked; and that by the use of certain mysterious and ineffable names as well as other spells, they could be forced to do so even against their will. From the earliest times this extraordinary power was recognized as prone to abuse in the hands of black’ magicians, but the Art itself was not only respectable, it was a high and holy one. Christianity altered all that, anathematizing magic…” (Ritual Magic, E.M. Butler, p. 209)

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