When leaving the hall behind the anger kept racing throughout his body. He could sense that they were in doubt regarding his leadership, he could see it in their eyes, hear it in their tone of voice. He walked further and further into the mountain, passed by enormous piles of gold and silver and precious gemstones. He walked until he found a chamber somewhere in the deepest parts. As well as many dwellings inside of this place the chamber was filled with the most amazing treasures. Thorin looked at everything and felt almost as it was talking to him, whispering. In his mind, he talked back to it, he even sang to it. He sat down, deciding that he did not care about the others and what they did. The gold reflected in his eyes as Thorin vowed not to ever leave the chamber.
Balin 3 (Aladdin Salmose ElHissi)I "Balin"
Thorin 5 (Jessica Nilsson)I "Thorin"
Balin 2 (Aladdin Salmose ElHissi)I "Balin"
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