My journey to mutually enrich our spiritual experience!
25 Dec 2014 Leave a comment
by reikiwithfriends
in All About Crystals
Tags: crystals associated with sleep and dreams
Nightmares are common among children. We as adults also get them. Stress, illnesses, traumatic experiences, troubled relationships, medications, emotional turmoil and other events and issues can factor into nightmares.
Sometimes, we just can’t “turn off” our minds to fall asleep. We’re thinking, planning, going around and around the aspects of our lives, our relationships, our homes, our health, our work and other matters. We’re going over conversations in our mind and thinking about what we “should” have said. We’re worried about what the future may hold.
Many of us have trouble remembering our dreams – some even claim that they don’t dream. The fact is, we all dream during a type of sleep called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep occurs every 90 to 100 minutes, 3 to 4 times each night, and lasts longer as the night progresses. The final REM period may last as long as 45 minutes. If it pleases you, you can determine before going to sleep each night that you will train yourself to be aware that you are dreaming – and perhaps be able to control your dreams.
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