You know, as children (especially little girls), we develop this magical view of the world. Everything is true love and enchanted kisses, sparkling balls gowns and captivating moments in montages set to Mandy Moore’s most heart-wrenching songs. Then, slowly, this mystical lens fades over time and we become slightly disenchanted by the world’s real moments.
We are not princesses at prom – we become sweaty dancing monsters trying to keep hormones in check while we mourn the relationship we never had with that one guy (who without fail is almost always a douchenozzle).
Trips to Disney world aren’t fairy-tale adventures. It’s a hot day in the sun, being jostled by (more often than not) smelly tourists and trying not to step in mysterious warm puddles while fighting to breathe in Florida’s muggy air (see: How to Inhale Through a Hot, Wet Quilt – Volume 1).
Graduation isn’t a cure-all for the plethora of mistakes and awkward acne we experienced in high school. We hate and envy the valedictorian. Our hair is smashed by a ridiculous looking hat. And at the end of the night, we stand in the middle of the football field, our heels sinking into the loamy turf while we look at the swarms of bugs crowding around the field lights. Then, some of us launch ourselves into another four years of academic torture to repeat the same process.
We experience less magic. Less mysticism. The world becomes a writhing, adrenaline-driven dance between trying to revive our childhood and enjoying the sins of being adults. And while we should mourn the loss of our gemstone-studded lens that we observed the world through as kids and preteens, this grimy view does have the marvelous side effect of throwing real magical moments into sharp contrast.
So, at the end of my date Saturday night, when the stars were shining, and I was under a canopy of crystalline Christmas lights with the smell of pine drifting gently down from drying tree branches, I allowed myself to be enchanted once more. And it was made all the better by a sweet, gentle first kiss.
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