Jingle all the way! With the onset of Christmas, world’s most awaited season, everyone hymns jingles and smiles along. Whether it’s waiting for the Santa or leaving the stockings out of the window, we have indulged in the little joyful traditions since a week. While lighting up your Xmas tree, have you ever wondered about the deeper side of this festival?
Here are some unknown facts about Christmas that you must read and proudly share on that special feast.
1. Several dates were proposed for Christmas: January 2, March 21, March 25, April 18 and November 20 but December 25 was finalized by the Western Christians majority.
2. Santa Claus is known by different names across the globe: Le Befana in Italy, Pere Noel in Belgium, Jultomten (Christmas Brownie) in Sweden, and Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost) in Russia.
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