- Play a sport in your backyard with your kids. Kids that have adult interaction in the form of play are more likely to respect and listen to their caregivers, parents and guardians.
- Bake or make a fun summer treat in the kitchen together. This is not only a WONDERFUL way to “spend time” with your kids, but also a great way to teach them through hands-on learning.
- Go Outside! There is more and more research on how good it is for children to spend adequate time outside. Fresh air, cool breeze (ehh, maybe? I know we live in Texas), and sensory overload, in a good way.
- Get real with the “Random Acts of Kindness” Take them out to a nursing home to visit and talk with some of the sweet folks in the dining room, take nail polish, cards, dominoes, fun jewelry, socks, flowers, their artwork, etc. and go say hello. You have no idea whose day you might make. Use this as an opportunity to teach them how Jesus not only loves us, but others too and we can practically show His love with others.
- Enroll them in Little Star Summer Learning Camp!
More.. https://littlestarsummerlearningcamp.wordpress.com/2015/03/12/5-summer-fun-activities-to-do-with-your-kids/
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