Thursday, January 15, 2015
Nothing like shopping the After Christmas Sales!
Posted on 41 Minutes Ago by Ms. Kris Allis
Yes I did. I went shopping. I shopped online and in stores. I have eased my craving to swipe my credit card and come away with a bag filled with bargains. And now to six months of fasting. No shopping for me except for the essentials. It was hard for me during the month of November and December. Very hard. Unlike the alcoholic who cannot take a drink because it is the first drink that brings the inebriation; I am now able to walk through a store and buy only what I came to get. And yet I am still addicted to finding bargains and pretty things. Things that will be left hanging in my closet and in my jewelry box when I’m dead; until all of my pretty things are given away to someone who can use them. I think of it this way: I am shopping for the ages! As an addict I must have an excuse. It can’t possibly be me who needs to not buy a single piece of clothing until I lose the next twenty pounds. Or can it?
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